Complete Intro to React, v8Video
by Brian Holt
đšī¸ Levels: đą Beginner, đ Intermediate
âŗ Duration: 6 hours
đ¤ Price: Subscription
đ§âđģ Learning Platform: Frontend Masters
Tailwind CSS From Scratch: Learn By Building Amazing ProjectsVideo
by Brad Traversy
đšī¸ Levels: đą Beginner, đ Intermediate
âŗ Duration: 12.5 hours
đ¤ Price: 25
Tailwind CSSVideo
by Steve Kinney
đšī¸ Levels: đ Intermediate
âŗ Duration: 3 hours
đ¤ Price: Subscription
đ§âđģ Learning Platform: Frontend Masters
Build User Interfaces by Composing CSS Utility Classes with TailwindVideo
by Simon Vrachliotis
đšī¸ Levels: đą Beginner, đ Intermediate
âŗ Duration: 0.5 hours
đ¤ Price: Subsription
đ§âđģ Learning Platform:
Build a Twitter Clone with the Next.js App Router and SupabaseVideo
by Jon Meyers
đšī¸ Levels: đ Intermediate
âŗ Duration: 1.5 hours
đ¤ Price: Free
đ§âđģ Learning Platform:
Design Systems with StorybookVideo
by Steve Kinney
đšī¸ Levels: đ Intermediate
âŗ Duration: 2 hours
đ¤ Price: Subscription
đ§âđģ Learning Platform: Frontend Masters
Next.js Projects: Build an Issue TrackerVideo
by Mosh Hamedani
đšī¸ Levels: đ Intermediate, đ Advanced
âŗ Duration: 7 hours
đ¤ Price: Subscription